Cluster inauguration

The Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters is an initiative of businessmen whose mission is to establish and develop cooperation of Polish construction companies on export markets, and to internationalise Polish construction industry.

It is an initiative built on the idea of global advertising the skills and capabilities of Polish businesses in terms of expansion and modernisation of broadly defined infrastructure, using cutting-edge technologies, products and systems, and employing professional engineering staff.

Mission and Goals:

• Establishing and developing cooperation of Polish construction companies on export markets in order to increase the export volume of the entire industry.
• Organisational support and advertising of Polish construction industry exports.
• Representing the interests of Polish construction industry in Poland and abroad.
• Supporting and promoting pro-export activities.
• Cooperation with opinion-forming groups and scientific units to improve efficiency of supporting exports growth.
• Promoting the concepts of cooperation and synergy.
• Improving financial stability in exports.
• Promoting the idea of clusters.
• Reinforcing attitudes actively supporting the position of Polish construction industry on international markets.
• Training and education.