Cluster members commended during the Eastern Economic Congress

The Easter Economic Congress was held in Białystok on 22-23 September. Representatives of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters took part in debates on the potential of Eastern Poland.

In the debate titled “Exports and foreign investments. Polish export momentum. Achievements, shortcomings and perspectives. The support and role of the state”, our organisation was represented by the President of the Board, Mr. Jan Mikołuszko (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Unibep SA, Honorary Ambassador of the Voivodeship). The discussion on “Industries driving foreign expansion of the Eastern macro region. What are the perspectives for the future? Businesses – regional leaders: case studies” was attended by Ms. Anna Orzechowska.

Also, we are most pleased to announce that two companies from the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters were ranked in top ten in the Top Employers of Eastern Poland competition. Among employers from Lubelskie Voivodeship, the distinction was awarded to Pol-Inowex, and in Podlaskie Voivodeship the title of Top Employer of Eastern Poland went to Unibep.

Link to press release:,281758.html