A new form of supporting and promoting exports

On 12 April 2017, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters gathered in the seat of the PAIiH to hold a seminar entitled “A New Form of Supporting and Promoting Exports”.

The seminar saw representatives of institutions supporting the export expansion of Polish companies present new tools and possibilities for raising capital for activities related to the development of companies on export markets, as well as the financing support of the approved projects by Polish financial institutions.

The proponents of support schemes for Polish companies included:

Mr. Bartłomiej Pawlak on behalf of the Polish Development Fund, Mr. Piotr Stolarczyk on behalf of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation, Mr. Jacek Szugajew and Mr. Patryk Darowski from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, whereas Mr. Zbigniew Głuchowski spoke for Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych BGK S.A. to present the possibilities of far-reaching capital support. Mr. Michał Polański spoke to give insight into the financial assistance prepared for the participants’ companies, and Mr. Jacek Piłatkowski spoke for the Ministry of Development to explain the support policy.

Numerous attendees to the meeting representing the construction industry and associated in PCOCE, the co-organizer of the Seminar, Polish Chamber of Steelwork (PIKS) and Polish Association of Construction Employers (PZPB), as its Partners, received from the speakers a full package of knowledge useful or even necessary to develop a strategy they diversify the activities of their companies with. We hope that this event will initiate closer collaboration both in the export expansion of Polish construction companies, as well as in creating, regardless of an industry, a climate of support for Polish companies, wherever Polish products or services have already arrived.