Working as General Contractor (comprehensive investment project implementation – design, construction, technical consulting) of investment projects comprising construction, expansion and modernisation of residential buildings, office buildings, public buildings; industrial and military facilities; environmental engineering, electric power and transport infrastructure.

Fields of activity

Working as General Contractor (comprehensive investment project implementation – design, construction, technical consulting) of investment projects comprising construction, expansion and modernisation of residential buildings, office buildings, public buildings; industrial and military facilities; environmental engineering, electric power and transport infrastructure.

Export activity

The Company participates in a number of projects in:

  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • Qatar,
  • Kuwait.

Basic information

  • F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.
    Balaton 20
    Warszawa 01-981
  • +48 (22) 834 26 47
  • fax +48 (22) 835 45 93
  • +48 (22) 865 53 00
  • fax +48 (22) 865 53 03
  • biuro@fbitasbud.pl
  • www.fbitasbud.pl

Selected projects