On 6-7 September, a delegation of representatives of the Polish Cluster OF Construction Exporters participated in an economic mission to Astana, Kazakhstan. The participants took part in the Poland-Kazakhstan Forum, attended by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Miesiąc: wrzesień 2017
On 6-7 September, a delegation of representatives of the Polish Cluster OF Construction Exporters participated in an economic mission to Astana, Kazakhstan. The participants took part in the Poland-Kazakhstan Forum, attended by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Posiedzenie Prezydium ws projektu pilotażowego w Szwecji
Podczas posiedzenia wypracowane pewne reguły współpracy oraz udzielenia wsparcia w postaci przeprowadzenia serii dedykowanych szkoleń przez firmę Sabo oraz Framtiden w zakresie obowiązujących przepisów, regulacji i innych, których poznanie jest niezbędne dla prawidłowego przeprowadzenia procesu budowlanego.
Board meeting regarding a pilot project in Sweden
The attendees to the meeting developed certain rules of cooperation and support provision in the form of a series of customised training courses conducted by Sabo and Framtiden in the area of applicable provisions, regulations and other laws which one needs to know for the proper conduction of the construction process.
Board meeting regarding a pilot project in Sweden
The attendees to the meeting developed certain rules of cooperation and support provision in the form of a series of customised training courses conducted by Sabo and Framtiden in the area of applicable provisions, regulations and other laws which one needs to know for the proper conduction of the construction process.
Board meeting regarding a pilot project in Sweden
The attendees to the meeting developed certain rules of cooperation and support provision in the form of a series of customised training courses conducted by Sabo and Framtiden in the area of applicable provisions, regulations and other laws which one needs to know for the proper conduction of the construction process.