New member of the Cluster – Elplast + Sp. z o.o.

ELPLAST+ has joined the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters because of two factors. The first factor is the Company’s strategy, which sets the development of export sales as one of the priority objectives for the next 3-5 years, and the second factor is the philosophy of PCOCE itself and the composition of the Cluster, which makes it one of the most dynamically operating enterprises of this type in Poland.

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Nowy członek Klastra – Elplast + sp. z o.o.

O przystąpieniu ELPLAST+ do Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa zadecydowały dwa czynniki. Pierwszym czynnikiem jest strategia Spółki, która rozwój sprzedaży eksportowej stawia jako jedno z priorytetowych zadań na najbliższe 3-5 lat, drugim zaś czynnikiem jest sama filozofia PKEB oraz skład Klastra, który stawia go wśród najprężniej działających tego typu przedsięwzięć w Polsce.

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New member of the Cluster – Elplast + Sp. z o.o.

ELPLAST+ has joined the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters because of two factors. The first factor is the Company’s strategy, which sets the development of export sales as one of the priority objectives for the next 3-5 years, and the second factor is the philosophy of PCOCE itself and the composition of the Cluster, which makes it one of the most dynamically operating enterprises of this type in Poland.

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New member of the Cluster – Elplast + Sp. z o.o.

ELPLAST+ has joined the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters because of two factors. The first factor is the Company’s strategy, which sets the development of export sales as one of the priority objectives for the next 3-5 years, and the second factor is the philosophy of PCOCE itself and the composition of the Cluster, which makes it one of the most dynamically operating enterprises of this type in Poland.

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Accolade for Unibep SA activity on the Swedish market

During the second edition of the Unibep SA Polish-Swedish Business Gala, the company from Bielsko-Biała Podlaskie was awarded the Mercurius statuette. The ceremony took place on 2 February 2018 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm. “It is a great honour to us, but also a great challenge.

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Accolade for Unibep SA activity on the Swedish market

During the second edition of the Unibep SA Polish-Swedish Business Gala, the company from Bielsko-Biała Podlaskie was awarded the Mercurius statuette. The ceremony took place on 2 February 2018 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm. “It is a great honour to us, but also a great challenge.

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Unibep SA doceniony za działalność na rynku szwedzkim

W czasie II edycji Gali Biznesu Polsko-Szwedzkiego Unibep SA, spółka z Bielska Podlaskiego, została wyróżniona statuetką Mercuriusa. Uroczystość miała miejsce 2 lutego 2018 r. w Ambasadzie RP w Sztokholmie. – To dla nas wielkie wyróżnienie, ale i wielkie wyzwanie.

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Accolade for Unibep SA activity on the Swedish market

During the second edition of the Unibep SA Polish-Swedish Business Gala, the company from Bielsko-Biała Podlaskie was awarded the Mercurius statuette. The ceremony took place on 2 February 2018 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm. “It is a great honour to us, but also a great challenge.

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BUDMA 2018

II Forum Gospodarczego Budownictwa i Architektury BUDMA 2018.

Minister Infrastruktury Pan Jerzy Kwieciński wziął udział w uroczystości otwarcia Targów BUDMA 2018 ora zainaugurował II FORUM Budownictwa i Architektury w dniu 30 stycznia 2018 r.

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BUDMA 2018

2nd Economic Forum of Construction and Architecture BUDMA 2018.

Minister of Infrastructure, Jerzy Kwieciński, took part in the opening ceremony of the BUDMA 2018 Fair, and on 30 January 2018, and inaugurated the 2nd Economic Forum of Construction and Architecture.

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