Galeria Północna z pozwoleniem na użytkowanie

Galeria Północna w Warszawie uzyskała oficjalne pozwolenie na użytkowanie. Inwestycję zrealizował Unibep SA dla spółki GTC. To największy zrealizowany obiekt kubaturowy w historii Unibep SA. – To wspaniała wiadomość i docenienie naszej wspólnej pracy: inwestora, generalnego wykonawcy, firm podwykonawczych, architektów, projektantów itp. – twierdzi Leszek Gołąbiecki, prezes zarządu Unibep SA.

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Galeria Północna awarded use permit

Galeria Północna in Warsaw has been awarded an official use permit. Unibep SA implemented the whole project for GTC. This is the largest enclosed building to be built by Unibep SA ever. Leszek Gołąbiecki, the President of the Board of Unibep SA says, “Not only is this great news, but also a appreciation of the collaboration between the general contractor, subcontractors, architects, designers etc.”

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Galeria Północna awarded use permit

Galeria Północna in Warsaw has been awarded an official use permit. Unibep SA implemented the whole project for GTC. This is the largest enclosed building to be built by Unibep SA ever. Leszek Gołąbiecki, the President of the Board of Unibep SA says, “Not only is this great news, but also a appreciation of the collaboration between the general contractor, subcontractors, architects, designers etc.”

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Galeria Północna awarded use permit

Galeria Północna in Warsaw has been awarded an official use permit. Unibep SA implemented the whole project for GTC. This is the largest enclosed building to be built by Unibep SA ever. Leszek Gołąbiecki, the President of the Board of Unibep SA says, “Not only is this great news, but also a appreciation of the collaboration between the general contractor, subcontractors, architects, designers etc.”

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