PKEB na forum biznesowym podczas szczytu 16+1

4-6 listopada 2016 r. w stolicy Łotwy, Rydze, odbyło się Forum Biznesowe towarzyszące V. Szczytowi Państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Chin. Coroczne spotkania liderów państw formuły „16+1” są doskonałą okazją do dyskusji na temat rozwoju współpracy gospodarczej. Tegoroczna koncentrowała się wokół czterech obszarów: transportu, innowacji, integracji i wspólnego rozwoju.

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PCOCE at the business forum during the 16+1 summit

On 4-6 November 2016, the Summit of Central and Eastern European Countries and China accompanying Business Forum took place in the capital city of Latvia, Riga. The annual meetings of the leaders of the “16+1” formula countries are an excellent opportunity to discuss the development of economic cooperation. This year’s edition focused on four areas: transport, innovation, integration and co-development.

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PCOCE at the business forum during the 16+1 summit

On 4-6 November 2016, the Summit of Central and Eastern European Countries and China accompanying Business Forum took place in the capital city of Latvia, Riga. The annual meetings of the leaders of the “16+1” formula countries are an excellent opportunity to discuss the development of economic cooperation. This year’s edition focused on four areas: transport, innovation, integration and co-development.

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PCOCE at the business forum during the 16+1 summit

On 4-6 November 2016, the Summit of Central and Eastern European Countries and China accompanying Business Forum took place in the capital city of Latvia, Riga. The annual meetings of the leaders of the “16+1” formula countries are an excellent opportunity to discuss the development of economic cooperation. This year’s edition focused on four areas: transport, innovation, integration and co-development.

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Ekspansja zagraniczna w praktyce – czego oczekują przedsiębiorcy?

Podczas II edycji Kongresu Bankowości i Finansów Korporacyjnych (27-28 października), Wiceprezes Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa Andrzej Kozłowski wziął udział w debacie plenarnej pt. ”Ekspansja zagraniczna w praktyce – czego oczekują przedsiębiorcy?”.

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Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?

During the second edition of the Corporate Finance and Banking Congress (27-28 October), Vice President of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters Andrzej Kozłowski took part in a plenary debate, “Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?”.

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Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?

During the second edition of the Corporate Finance and Banking Congress (27-28 October), Vice President of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters Andrzej Kozłowski took part in a plenary debate, “Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?”.

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Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?

During the second edition of the Corporate Finance and Banking Congress (27-28 October), Vice President of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters Andrzej Kozłowski took part in a plenary debate, “Foreign expansion in practice – what do entrepreneurs expect?”.

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