Nowa forma wspierania i promocji eksportu

12 kwietnia 2017 roku, w siedzibie Polskiej Agencji Inwestycji i Handlu (PAIiH) odbyło się wspólnie zrealizowane przez PAIiH i Polski Klaster Eksporterów Budownictwa seminarium pt. „Nowa Forma Wspierania i Promocji Eksportu”.

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A new form of supporting and promoting exports

On 12 April 2017, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters gathered in the seat of the PAIiH to hold a seminar entitled “A New Form of Supporting and Promoting Exports”.

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A new form of supporting and promoting exports

On 12 April 2017, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters gathered in the seat of the PAIiH to hold a seminar entitled “A New Form of Supporting and Promoting Exports”.

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A new form of supporting and promoting exports

On 12 April 2017, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters gathered in the seat of the PAIiH to hold a seminar entitled “A New Form of Supporting and Promoting Exports”.

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Klaster nawiązuje kontakty w Kazachstanie

W dniach 25.03-29.03  odbyła się Misja Gospodarcza Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa do Kazachstanu. Celem Misji było nawiązanie kontaktów ze środowiskiem budowlanym Regionu Atyrau oraz zapoznanie się z rynkiem inwestycyjnym w Kazachstanie i możliwościami uczestnictwa polskich firm budowlanych w realizowanych kluczowych inwestycjach energetycznych i infrastrukturalnych w Kazachstanie.

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The Cluster makes contacts in Kazakhstan

On 25.03-29.03, the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters took part in the Economic Mission in Kazakhstan. The objective of the Mission was to establish contacts with the construction circles of the Atyrau Region, and to learn about the investment market in Kazakhstan including whether Polish construction companies can participate in the implementation of key energy and infrastructure projects in Kazakhstan.

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The Cluster makes contacts in Kazakhstan

On 25.03-29.03, the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters took part in the Economic Mission in Kazakhstan. The objective of the Mission was to establish contacts with the construction circles of the Atyrau Region, and to learn about the investment market in Kazakhstan including whether Polish construction companies can participate in the implementation of key energy and infrastructure projects in Kazakhstan.

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The Cluster makes contacts in Kazakhstan

On 25.03-29.03, the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters took part in the Economic Mission in Kazakhstan. The objective of the Mission was to establish contacts with the construction circles of the Atyrau Region, and to learn about the investment market in Kazakhstan including whether Polish construction companies can participate in the implementation of key energy and infrastructure projects in Kazakhstan.

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