BUDMA 2018

2nd Economic Forum of Construction and Architecture BUDMA 2018.

Minister of Infrastructure, Jerzy Kwieciński, took part in the opening ceremony of the BUDMA 2018 Fair, and on 30 January 2018, and inaugurated the 2nd Economic Forum of Construction and Architecture.

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BUDMA 2018

II Forum Gospodarczego Budownictwa i Architektury BUDMA 2018.

Minister Infrastruktury Pan Jerzy Kwieciński wziął udział w uroczystości otwarcia Targów BUDMA 2018 ora zainaugurował II FORUM Budownictwa i Architektury w dniu 30 stycznia 2018 r.

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New Year’s Meeting of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters

On 9 January 2018, the Polish Construction Exporters Cluster held its New Year’s meeting and hosted the PCOCE Supporting Members, fellow companies and industry organizations.

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New Year’s Meeting of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters

On 9 January 2018, the Polish Construction Exporters Cluster held its New Year’s meeting and hosted the PCOCE Supporting Members, fellow companies and industry organizations.

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New Year’s Meeting of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters

On 9 January 2018, the Polish Construction Exporters Cluster held its New Year’s meeting and hosted the PCOCE Supporting Members, fellow companies and industry organizations.

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Spotkanie Noworoczne Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa

9 stycznia 2018 r odbyło się spotkanie noworoczne Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa do udziału zaproszono Członków Wspierających PKEB jak również zaprzyjaźnionych firm i organizacji branżowych.

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Misja gospodarcza do Kenii

W dniach 12.12-15.12 miała miejsce Misja Promocyjna do Kenii.

Wyjazd był pod auspicjami PAIiH-u i z udziałem Prezesa Tomasza Pisuli oraz przedstawiciela BGK p. Jarosława Trwogi .W Misji udział wzięli również przedstawiciele PKEB – Pan .Jan Mikołuszko Prezes Zarządu PKEB i Andrzej Kozłowski Wiceprezes Zarządu PKEB oraz Pan Tomasz Poskrobko Dyrektor Dziąłu Eksportu Unibep SA.

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Economic mission to Kenya

The Promotional Mission to Kenya took place on 12-15 December.

The trip was under the aegis of PAIH and with the participation of President Tomasz Pisula and representative of BGK Mr. Jarosław Trwoga. The attendees to the Mission included representatives of PCOCE, Mr. Jan Mikołuszko, President of the Board of PCOCE, Andrzej Kozłowski, Vice-President of the Board of PCOCE, and Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko, Director of Export Department of Unibep SA.

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Economic mission to Kenya

The Promotional Mission to Kenya took place on 12-15 December.

The trip was under the aegis of PAIH and with the participation of President Tomasz Pisula and representative of BGK Mr. Jarosław Trwoga. The attendees to the Mission included representatives of PCOCE, Mr. Jan Mikołuszko, President of the Board of PCOCE, Andrzej Kozłowski, Vice-President of the Board of PCOCE, and Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko, Director of Export Department of Unibep SA.

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Economic mission to Kenya

The Promotional Mission to Kenya took place on 12-15 December.

The trip was under the aegis of PAIH and with the participation of President Tomasz Pisula and representative of BGK Mr. Jarosław Trwoga. The attendees to the Mission included representatives of PCOCE, Mr. Jan Mikołuszko, President of the Board of PCOCE, Andrzej Kozłowski, Vice-President of the Board of PCOCE, and Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko, Director of Export Department of Unibep SA.

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