1 lutego 2017 roku odbyło się oficjalne spotkanie całego sektora budownictwa regionalnego organizowane przez Lubelski Klub Biznesu w siedzibie firmy POL-INOWEX. Zagranicznym gościem specjalnym był Ambasador Angoli w Polsce Domingos Culolo wraz z delegacją dyplomatyczną. Na spotkanie zostali także zaproszeni, w roli eksperta rynku, w tym eksportu budownictwa, Przedstawiciele PKEB (Pan V-ce Prezes Zarządu Klastra dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk i Członek Rady Eksporterów Pan Bartłomiej Świderek).
Miesiąc: luty 2017
Presentation concerning construction exports at the meeting with the Ambassador of Angola and the Lublin Business Club
On 1 February 2017, an official meeting of the whole regional construction sector took place, organized by the Lublin Business Club in the seat of POL-INOWEX. The Ambassador of Angola to Poland, Domingos Culolo, together with a diplomatic delegation, was a special guest from abroad. Representatives of PCOCE, Vice President of the Board of the Cluster dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk and Member of the Exporters Council Bartłomiej Świderek were also among those invited.
Presentation concerning construction exports at the meeting with the Ambassador of Angola and the Lublin Business Club
On 1 February 2017, an official meeting of the whole regional construction sector took place, organized by the Lublin Business Club in the seat of POL-INOWEX. The Ambassador of Angola to Poland, Domingos Culolo, together with a diplomatic delegation, was a special guest from abroad. Representatives of PCOCE, Vice President of the Board of the Cluster dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk and Member of the Exporters Council Bartłomiej Świderek were also among those invited.
Presentation concerning construction exports at the meeting with the Ambassador of Angola and the Lublin Business Club
On 1 February 2017, an official meeting of the whole regional construction sector took place, organized by the Lublin Business Club in the seat of POL-INOWEX. The Ambassador of Angola to Poland, Domingos Culolo, together with a diplomatic delegation, was a special guest from abroad. Representatives of PCOCE, Vice President of the Board of the Cluster dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk and Member of the Exporters Council Bartłomiej Świderek were also among those invited.
Kolejowy projekt stulecia z udziałem polskich firm?
Rail Baltica to transeuropejska linia kolejowa łącząca Warszawę przez Kowno, Rygę i Tallin z Helsinkami. Na trasie o długości 730 km, przebiegającej przez trzy nadbałtyckie kraje Litwę, Łotwę i Estonię, pociągi pasażerskie będą miały rozwijać prędkość do 240 km/h a cargo do 120 km/h. Udziałem w tym prestiżowym projekcie, którego wartość szacowana jest na 5 mld euro, interesują się główni gracze polskiej branży kolejowej.
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Railway project of the century with the involvement of Polish companies?
Rail Baltica is a trans-European railway line connecting Warsaw and Helsinki via Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn. On the 730 km long route running through the three Baltic countries Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, these passenger trains will reach speeds of up to 240 km/h, with freight trains running up to 120 km/h. The main players of the Polish railway industry are interested in participating in this prestigious project, the value of which is estimated at EUR 5 billion.
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Railway project of the century with the involvement of Polish companies?
Rail Baltica is a trans-European railway line connecting Warsaw and Helsinki via Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn. On the 730 km long route running through the three Baltic countries Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, these passenger trains will reach speeds of up to 240 km/h, with freight trains running up to 120 km/h. The main players of the Polish railway industry are interested in participating in this prestigious project, the value of which is estimated at EUR 5 billion.
Continue reading „Railway project of the century with the involvement of Polish companies?”
Railway project of the century with the involvement of Polish companies?
Rail Baltica is a trans-European railway line connecting Warsaw and Helsinki via Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn. On the 730 km long route running through the three Baltic countries Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, these passenger trains will reach speeds of up to 240 km/h, with freight trains running up to 120 km/h. The main players of the Polish railway industry are interested in participating in this prestigious project, the value of which is estimated at EUR 5 billion.
Continue reading „Railway project of the century with the involvement of Polish companies?”