Zespół w którego skład wchodzą przedstawiciele organizacji zrzeszających polskich przedsiębiorców zainteresowanych prowadzeniem działalności w Szwecji w dniu 19 czerwca 2017 r. zainaugurował swoją działalność. Zadaniem tego zespołu jest przygotowanie projektu pilotażowego realizowanego na szwedzkim rynku budownictwa mieszkaniowego przez polskie podmiot prowadzące działalność gospodarczą w zakresie budownictwa.
Miesiąc: czerwiec 2017
Polish Construction Expansion in Sweden
On 19 June 2017, the team consisting of representatives of organizations associating Polish entrepreneurs interested in conducting business in Sweden inaugurated its activities. The team has a task to prepare a pilot project implemented on the Swedish housing market by Polish construction businesses.
Polish Construction Expansion in Sweden
On 19 June 2017, the team consisting of representatives of organizations associating Polish entrepreneurs interested in conducting business in Sweden inaugurated its activities. The team has a task to prepare a pilot project implemented on the Swedish housing market by Polish construction businesses.
Polish Construction Expansion in Sweden
On 19 June 2017, the team consisting of representatives of organizations associating Polish entrepreneurs interested in conducting business in Sweden inaugurated its activities. The team has a task to prepare a pilot project implemented on the Swedish housing market by Polish construction businesses.
Spotkanie z International Finance Corporation (IFC)
W dniu 19 czerwca 2017 roku Polski Klaster Eksporterów Budownictwa (PKEB) gościł przedstawiciela International Finance Corporation (IFC) – podmiotu z grupy Banku Światowego. W trakcie spotkania IFC reprezentował Pan Piotr Matczuk ze strony zaś PKEB obecni byli Członkowie Zarządu – Pan Andrzej Kozłowski (Wiceprezes PKEB) oraz Pan dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk (Wiceprezes PKEB oraz V-ce Prezes F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.) a nadto Pan Tomasz Poskrobko (Dyrektor Eksportu Budownictwa UNIBEP S.A.) i Pan Marcin Bodnar (Wiceprezes Seen Holding Sp. z o.o.), a także Pan Rafał Świstak (Dyrektor ds. Międzynarodowych i Prawnych F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.).
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Meeting with International Finance Corporation (IFC)
On 19 June 2017, Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters (PCOCE) hosted a representative of International Finance Corporation (IFC), an entity from the World Bank group. Representatives for the meeting included Mr. Piotr Matczuk for IFC, the PCOCE Board Members Mr. Andrzej Kozłowski (Vice President) and Mr. dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk (as Vice President of PCOCE and Vice President of F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.), plus Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko (Director of UNIBEP S.A. Construction Export), Mr. Marcin Bodnar (Vice-President of Seen Holding Sp. z o.o.), and Mr. Rafał Świstak (Director for International and Legal Affairs at F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.).
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Meeting with International Finance Corporation (IFC)
On 19 June 2017, Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters (PCOCE) hosted a representative of International Finance Corporation (IFC), an entity from the World Bank group. Representatives for the meeting included Mr. Piotr Matczuk for IFC, the PCOCE Board Members Mr. Andrzej Kozłowski (Vice President) and Mr. dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk (as Vice President of PCOCE and Vice President of F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.), plus Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko (Director of UNIBEP S.A. Construction Export), Mr. Marcin Bodnar (Vice-President of Seen Holding Sp. z o.o.), and Mr. Rafał Świstak (Director for International and Legal Affairs at F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.).
Continue reading „Meeting with International Finance Corporation (IFC)”
Meeting with International Finance Corporation (IFC)
On 19 June 2017, Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters (PCOCE) hosted a representative of International Finance Corporation (IFC), an entity from the World Bank group. Representatives for the meeting included Mr. Piotr Matczuk for IFC, the PCOCE Board Members Mr. Andrzej Kozłowski (Vice President) and Mr. dr inż. Andrzej Czapczuk (as Vice President of PCOCE and Vice President of F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.), plus Mr. Tomasz Poskrobko (Director of UNIBEP S.A. Construction Export), Mr. Marcin Bodnar (Vice-President of Seen Holding Sp. z o.o.), and Mr. Rafał Świstak (Director for International and Legal Affairs at F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.).
Continue reading „Meeting with International Finance Corporation (IFC)”