The Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters, in cooperation with Jara Drapała & Partners, organised a business breakfast, whose main subject was
“What conditions do construction companies need to meet to enter the German market?”
The Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters, in cooperation with Jara Drapała & Partners, organised a business breakfast, whose main subject was
“What conditions do construction companies need to meet to enter the German market?”
Polski Klaster Eksporterów Budownictwa we współpracy i wsparciu merytorycznym Kancelarii Jara Drapała &Partners zorganizował śniadanie biznesowe, którego głównym tematem było
„Jakie warunki muszą spełniać firmy budowlane aby wejść na rynek niemiecki?”
The Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters, in cooperation with Jara Drapała & Partners, organised a business breakfast, whose main subject was
“What conditions do construction companies need to meet to enter the German market?”
The Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters, in cooperation with Jara Drapała & Partners, organised a business breakfast, whose main subject was
“What conditions do construction companies need to meet to enter the German market?”
W dniach 6-7 września delegacja przedstawicieli Polskiego Klastra Eksporterów Budownictwa uczestniczyła w misji gospodarczej do Kazachstanu, Astany. Uczestnicy wzięli udział w Forum Polska- Kazachstan z udziałem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy oraz Prezydenta Republiki Kazachstanu Nursułtana Nazarbajewa.
On 6-7 September, a delegation of representatives of the Polish Cluster OF Construction Exporters participated in an economic mission to Astana, Kazakhstan. The participants took part in the Poland-Kazakhstan Forum, attended by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.